Thank you blood donors from the NHS sponsored Red Cross Blood Drive!
about 3 years ago, Carrie Jeruzal
Blood Donor
Check out Pentwater Public School's newly updated app! It’s everything Pentwater, in your pocket. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 3 years ago, Steve Rossiter
New school app
7-12 grade Student Artists had an art filled day at ArtPrize!
over 3 years ago, Carrie Jeruzal
Group photo on Gillett Bridge
Silver ArtPrize Sculpture
Maddy pointing out her butterfly
Making art at Brush Studio
Our Pentwater Public School app just got a major update. Please make sure to update our app to see the new layout and the new features! Remember, our app is everything Pentwater Public Schools, in your pocket!
over 3 years ago, Pentwater Athletics
new app
See attached information about the upcoming GHSP Sponsored Feeding America Food Truck event!
over 3 years ago, Toni Glover
GHSP Sponsored Feeding America Food Truck Flyer
Oct 15th The Health Department will be at our school for a Flu Clinic and it's open to the public from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm. This will take place in our Library. Please click the flyer below for more details.
over 3 years ago, Steve Rossiter
flu shot flyer
Pentwater high school students involved in the Pentwater Green Schools Club participated in the Alliance for the Great Lakes Adopt-a-Beach program. Trash was picked up and recorded on a data card. This information was then compiled and sent to the Alliance to help them make decisions and raise awareness for some of the areas of concern with our beautiful Great Lakes. It was a fantastic experience and the students are excited to give back and help keep our beaches clean. Some of the items collected include: 9 plastic beverage bottles, 17 metal caps, 35 plastic caps, 104 cigar tips, 180 cigarette butts, 25 food wrappers, 27 straws/stirrers, 13 foam pieces, 1554 pieces of plastic, 11 balloons, and 13 band aids.
over 3 years ago, Toni Glover
Adopt-a-Beach photo 1
Adopt a Beach Photo 2
Adopt a Beach Photo 3
Adopt a Beach Photo 4
Happy Constitution Day!
over 3 years ago, Toni Glover
Constitution Day 2021
Theo loves to listen while Brystal reads a book!
over 3 years ago, Toni Glover
Theo listening to Bristal reading!
Theo loves books!
Happy International Dot Day! High School Artists got to celebrate by painting dots with alcohol inks at Painted Frog Studio with local artist Michele Anscombe!
over 3 years ago, Carrie Jeruzal
Painting dots with Alcohol Inks
Painting at the Painted Frog Studio
painting with Alcohol Inks
Painting with Alcohol Inks
Student’s in Mrs. Fatura’s advanced chemistry, chemistry and earth science classes had the pleasure of having Art Hirsch as a guest speaker today. Mr. Hirsch talked with the students about the emerging problem of plastics in our waterways including the Great Lakes. His talk focused primarily on microplastics and what an environmental concern they are. He was able to share many interesting facts and show many pictures that were very eye opening related to this topic!
over 3 years ago, Steve Rossiter
Art Hirsch1
Art Hirsch2
Art Hirsch 3
Art Hirsch 4
Give Blood. Help save lives. NHS will be sponsoring an American Red Cross Blood Drive on Friday, October 1, 2021, from 10:45am - 3:30pm at the school. For an appointment, visit and enter sponsor code: Falcons or call 1-800-733-2767. Streamline your donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete your pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of your appointment.
over 3 years ago, Toni Glover
Blood Drive Logo
Just a quick reminder Falcon Families, Picture Day is this Thursday, September 16th. If you would like to pay with a debit/credit card, you must use the link below:
over 3 years ago, Steve Rossiter
Picture Day graphic
Remembering 9/11!
over 3 years ago, Toni Glover
9/11 20th Anniversary
Michigan Lt. Governor Garlin Gilchrist met with Dr. Karaptian on Tuesday, 9/8, to thank and show his support to Pentwater Public Schools for making the tough decision to protect our students and staff with a mask mandate. Lt. Governor Gilchrist created a video which we have provided in the link below to thank our community and district.
over 3 years ago, Toni Glover
Dr. Karaptian and MI Lt. Governor Gilchrist
JH Student Artists are excited to pass out welcome kits to all of our new students this week! These kits were made through a “Design Thinking” learning unit last year in art class. Welcome to Pentwater!
over 3 years ago, Carrie Jeruzal
Welcome Kits
A group of students and adults, organized by the Pentwater Centenary Methodist Church, provided welcome back greetings to our students and staff on Tuesday, 9/7, as we returned for the 2021/2022 school year! Thank you, it's a great day to be a Falcon!
over 3 years ago, Toni Glover
Welcome Back Photo 1
Welcome Back Photo 2
Welcome Back Photo 3
Welcome Back Photo 4
ASSE International Exchange Programs is desperately seeking Host families for roughly 13 students from several different countries. There are currently 9 male and 4 female students who need to be placed immediately or face not being placed at all this year. If this is something that you would be interested in, please contact our local ASSE Representative, Mrs. Whitney Oosting at The eligible students and their countries are listed below: Female: Jeanne-17 (France); Lucy-18 (Belgium); Chloe-18 (France); Julide-17 (France. Male: Elmi-17 (Azerbaijan); Alisher-16 (Kazakhstan); Shadiyar-17 (Kazakhstan); Aktan-16 (Kyrgyzstan); Dostonbek-15 (Kyrgyzstan); Marat-17 (Kyrgyzstan); Umar-17 (Uzbekistan); Tamirlan-16 (Kazakhstan); and, Alisher-16 (Kazakhstan) These students do need to find homes by the end of the day on Tuesday, 8/31/21. They are asking for "Welcome families". Welcome families will get the student acquainted with the school, community and teachers/staff which makes it so much easier to find a permanent placement. Welcome family placements are short term for approximately a month. Students provide their own finances and insurance so all that is needed is adequate housing and meals when with the host family. Host Family Application:
over 3 years ago, Toni Glover
Exchange Student
2021/2022 Back to School Open House: We encourage you to join us for our open house to be held on Wednesday, 9/1/21, from 4:30pm-6:30pm. To keep this event as safe as possible in a COVID environment, we are requiring all visitors to wear a mask in the building and we have also scheduled times for families alphabetically. A-I: 4:30pm - 5:10pm J-R: 5:10pm - 5:50pm S-Z: 5:50pm - 6:30pm There will be a Title I informational meeting for interested parents and students beginning at 5pm in the school library.
over 3 years ago, Toni Glover
Back to School Open House!
August 2021 Back to School Newsletter!
over 3 years ago, Toni Glover
August Newsletter Page 1
August Newsletter Page 2
August Newsletter Page 3
August Newsletter Page 4