Congratulations to all of the newly inducted members of the PHS National Honor Society! A Virtual Ceremony was held Wednesday at 7:00 pm.
about 4 years ago, Carrie Jeruzal
Google meet screenshot
Due to the restrictions put in place by the MDHHS and out of an abundance of caution, we will be postponing our annual Holiday Craft Fair for the Pentwater Bands that was scheduled for Saturday, December 5th, 2020. We are in the midst of rescheduling for the summer of 2021. Be on the lookout for more info in the coming months! Stay safe and happy holidays! 🎄
about 4 years ago, Hilary Hunsberger
2020 Holiday Craft Fair Cancelation
Dear Friends and Families, Pentwater Public Schools, Spectrum Health and District #10 Health Department want to applaud you for your continual diligence in practicing safety protocols to limit the spread of COVID-19. in our school and community. We are encouraged by the responsible way parents are notifying schools when symptoms and/or possible exposures occur. Thank you! Despite this good work, the number of positive COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations have increased dramatically in the past two weeks in our area and across the state. Most often, these cases are due to social interactions when people were closer than six feet and masks were not worn. We are very concerned this trend will continue and the impact it will have on the care the hospitals are able to provide to us locally. Hospitals are already seeing alarming capacity complications and staffing difficulties at our hospitals. We can all do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19. We implore you to follow social distancing guidelines, wear masks when in public and wash your hands often. This is a critical time for our entire community. With the holidays coming up, we are asking everyone to do these four things to reduce the spread of the virus: Wear a mask in public spaces, stay at least six feet away from others, wash your hands frequently and notify school as soon as your child develops symptoms or is known to have been exposed to the virus. With the Thanksgiving Holiday just a few days away, we encourage you to follow the CDC and health departments guidelines so that we can continue to keep our doors open to face to face teaching and learning. Please see the attached document from the Spectrum Hospital and DHD #10 . Thank you and be well! Dr. Scott Karaptian
about 4 years ago, Scott Karaptian
Spectrum Health Reminder
On Tuesday, November 17th, 2020 our 5th Grade music class participated in a virtual ukulele workshop with musician Lil' Rev through the Ludington Area Center for the Arts! We had the opportunity to listen to and play along with many classic bluegrass and folk songs. Thank you LACA for this awesome opportunity! 🎶
about 4 years ago, Hilary Hunsberger
LACA Ukulele Workshop
LACA Ukulele Workshop
LACA Ukulele Workshop
Get your flu shot - especially this year!
about 4 years ago, Toni Glover
Flu Clinic Flyer
Please review the letter from Dr. Karaptian giving an update on the 9th-12th grade full remote learning plan for Pentwater Public Schools, dated 11/16/2020. This learning plan goes into effect on Wednesday, 11/19, thru Tuesday, 12/8. Please call if you have any questions!
about 4 years ago, Toni Glover
9th-12th Grade Full Remote Letter 11/16/2020
Please read the attached letter that was shared with all families on 11-15-2020. We will update families as quickly as possible as decisions are being made for the district, we thank you for your cooperation.
about 4 years ago, Toni Glover
Executive Order Letter Page 1 11-15-2020
Executive Order Page 2 Update 11-15-2020
If you are having issues connecting your school issued Chromebook to your home WiFi network, please check out my teacher page to watch a quick video showing you two settings that need to be enabled. Thanks, Mr. Steve.
about 4 years ago, Steve Rossiter
We invite you to view the Veteran's Day program video that students and staff of Pentwater Public Schools created to honor our men and women who are currently or have served our country in the cause for freedom! The link is provided below, please thank a veteran today, we hope to be able to celebrate in person in 2021!
about 4 years ago, Toni Glover
Veteran's Day Video Flyer
The Varsity Girls and Boys Basketball teams are doing a fundraiser together to raise money for this season! We will get $4, $6, $8 per item purchased depending on the total community and school quantity purchased. Please take a few moments and SHOP till you DROP. Please ship your order to your house and enjoy some quality items:) Christmas presents, Falcon Gear, or Friday gear for you and your family. Please share the link with anyone who you think may want to order. Here is the link to the shop: Spread the word and post it on social media! As Always, thank you for supporting our sports programs! Go Falcons! Coach Wojtas and Coach Gorton
about 4 years ago, Steve Rossiter
Please see the attached flyer to register for Toys for Tots with information on dates/times for sign-ups!
about 4 years ago, Toni Glover
Toys for Tots 2020 Sign-Up Flyer
Toys for Tots Drive 2020: Pentwater High School Student Council is once again participating in the Toys for Tots program this holiday season. Toys are collected through December 15, 2020, and may be deposited in the box located in the school lobby!
about 4 years ago, Toni Glover
Student Council Toys for Tots Flyer
Student Kinder and 3rd grade artists taking advantage of the beautiful weather today with chalk art!
about 4 years ago, Carrie Jeruzal
Kinder chalk drawing.
Front of school
Go Abie!
Congratulations to Pentwater Student Artist, Grant Miller, whose comic art will be featured in the November issue of the Pentwater Lake Association Newsletter!
about 4 years ago, Carrie Jeruzal
Comic drawing of glasses getting fogged while mask is on.
Please see our website to find information about our upcoming Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences scheduled for Nov. 18, from 12pm-3pm, and Nov. 19, from 4pm-7pm. Emails have also been sent to all parents/guardians with the information. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
about 4 years ago, Toni Glover
Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences
Join Great Michigan Read Partners for an interactive conversation with Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha. Mr. Richard Magrath, teacher at Pentwater Public Schools, will be facilitating this discussion. We thank these regional partners: Pentwater Public Schools, Pentwater Township Library and West Shore Community College. This event will take place on November 12 from 12:30pm-1:30pm. The address to register is below and once you register, you will receive a link to this event.
about 4 years ago, Toni Glover
Great MI Read Virtual Event Flyer
Be on the lookout! The JH, HS, and HS Jazz Bands will be giving an outdoor fall concert for the elementary on Friday (10/30/2020) at 8:30am! Ms. H will be live-streaming the event through Facebook Live... so even though you can't join us in-person, please attend virtually. The concert will stay shared on the school page until Monday for your viewing pleasure and then will be taken down. This is our first concert since February... and for some students, since December... it's going to be a lot of fun! Happy Halloween!! 🎃
about 4 years ago, Hilary Hunsberger
Fall Band Concert!
October 28, 2020 Dear Family and Friends, School Boards must now review, evaluate and approve schools current Extended COVID Learning (ECOL) Plans monthly and we would like to ask for your feedback on Pentwater Public School's current ECOL Plan Model to assist them in this process. The current ECOL Plan: As of Monday, October 5, 2020, Pentwater Public Schools started their new learning formats, explained below: Option A: Students attend school for four (4) days Face-To-Face a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). Wednesday's are a full remote day for all students. Option B: Students attend school in a Full-Remote setting 5 days a week. Those students choosing the Full-Remote setting are expected to attend their regularly scheduled classes 4 days a week virtually. Secondary classroom teachers have a live stream session open for every class period for students to access. Elementary classroom teachers post scheduled times for their students to attend daily live streaming lessons. If students are not able to attend a scheduled live session, it will be their responsibility to contact their teacher to discuss missed content. On Wednesday Full-Remote days, the students who chose option A will have independent work to do on this day. All students, to include full-remote students will be able to contact teachers on Wednesdays through one of the following ways: Google Meet/Zoom, email, text, Remind or phone call for any questions about coursework and/or assignments. We would like to gather your thoughts to help in the continued planning for a safe and positive learning environment for Pentwater students as a way of improving upon the platforms. Please take a few minutes to answer the following few questions. Time is of the essence and thus the survey completion window is short, so please complete this survey ( by Friday November 9, 2020. Thank you for your time, feedback and your continued support! Respectfully, Dr. Scott Karaptian
about 4 years ago, Scott Karaptian
Community Coat Drive is accepting gently used winter coats thru November 30, 2020. Coats can be dropped off at the District #10 Health Department at 3986 N. Oceana Drive, Hart. Please look for the donation box in the front entrance!
about 4 years ago, Toni Glover
Winter Coat Drive Flyer
On Thursday, 10/22/2020, the JH Band played indoors for the very first time since March 13th! This would not have been possible without the help of Sew Let's Be Quilty of downtown Pentwater and the several volunteers that gave their time and resources to make this happen! Also, a HUGE shout out to the HS Band for taking 1st hour today to help organize and rearrange the band room... all rehearsals will be indoors moving forward this school year! Thank you to the students, staff, and community for their patience as we made PPE and Ms. H figured out how to "do band" without playing instruments indoors for the past several weeks. Teamwork makes the dream work!
about 4 years ago, Hilary Hunsberger
JH Band First Indoor Rehearsal