Congratulations to our elementary students of the month for March 2024, pictured with Assistant Principal Craig Barter! Yvette Kokx (KG); Porter Rinehart (1st grade); Rorrick Case (2nd grade); Kayla Oomen (3rd grade); Evie Bouye (4th grade); Oliver Nugent (5th grade); and, Xaria Davis (6th grade)! Well done!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
March 2024 elementary students of the month!
Your Pentwater Public Schools' Bands have been very busy during the month of March! On Wednesday, March 5, Professor Ted Malt from West Shore Community College visited Pentwater schools to clinic the high school band before our performance at district band festival. On Thursday, March 6, the high school concert band traveled to Manistee for our MSBOA District 1 Band Festival performance where we received an overall ‘excellent’ rating from all 3 judges! On Wednesday, March 13, Professor Malt, once again, worked with our high school jazz band musicians in preparation for our concert on March 14. At our concert, all three upper level ensembles, 7/8 band, Jazz and HS concert bands performed for our third concert of the school year. Inspiring performances by all of our bands! Lastly, on Tuesday, March 19, six high school band students were nominated and traveled back to Manistee High School for the MSBOA District 1 All Star Band where they experienced a day of fun working on four brand new concert pieces which culminated in a performance that evening with 94 other high school band students throughout our District 1 region. Thank you, Professor Malt, for sharing your expertise with us and thank you, band members, for all of your continuous hard work; it is reflected in your performances and we are incredibly proud of all of you!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
High school band district band festival
All-Star Band photo-Manistee
High school band solo and ensemble
On Saturday, March 16, students across the State of Michigan performed instrumental solos at the MSBOA state level solo and ensemble. These students are eligible to participate at this higher level if he/she received a ‘superior 1’ rating at the district level. Abie VanDuinen, one of our Pentwater High School trombone players, was one of five students from Pentwater who received a '1' rating at district solo and ensemble. He performed his solo, “Sonata in F Minor”, by Georg Telemann. Abie received a near perfect score of 95 earning him another ‘Superior 1’ rating at the state level! Additionally, he was nominated as an ‘outstanding soloist’ by his judge which is an extremely high honor. He was one of only eight trombone players in the entire State of Michigan to be nominated for this honor. Congratulations, Abie! We want to also thank community member Diane Larson for dedicating her time as the piano accompanist throughout this whole process and helping out with our band program and students. We couldn’t have done this without her and we are incredibly appreciative of her continued support in aiding our band program/s with her talent.
12 months ago, Toni Glover
Abie VanDuinen - State solo and ensemble photo
It was a great day for a Book Swap at Pentwater Elementary! 186 books were chosen by excited readers. Happy reading!!!
12 months ago, Gina Voss
Pentwater Elementary Book Swap, 3/19/24, loads of fun
Pentwater Elementary Book Swap, 3/19/24
This Community is Awesome!! Love how we all come together to create such a fun experience! The Pentwater PTCO carnival was such a success due to the many hands of volunteers & staff. Thank You & can’t Wait to see what fun we can create next!! (Parent-Teacher-Community Organization (PTCO))
12 months ago, Toni Glover
PTCO Carnival 2024
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Adray Bantam 14u West Shore Wolves' state champions for hockey and congratulations to our very own, Ben Wisenbaugh! The team is comprised of 16 players from area schools and this past weekend they competed in the 14u Adray State Championship tournament and won beating the Cheboygan Chiefs in the final game, 3-2. The list of players, include: Benjamin Wisenbaugh-Pentwater; Jackson Bishop and Joel Knobel-Hart; Jacob Bielski-Manistee JH; Ryan Higley and Anderson Riemer-Ludington HS; Landon Bruno-Rombach, Graham Carroll, Kowen Hamilton, Grant Hill, Bradey Lawler, Adrian Lundberg, Timothy Pomeroy-Ludington JH; Nathan Adams-MCC HS; and, Owen Adair and Brayden Quillan-MCC JH. Well done, West Shore Wolves!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
Ben Wisenbaugh - Hockey Photo
A great big Falcon thank you goes out to Jaynie Manier and Kelsey West, from WSESD, who brought the inspiREading Book Bus out to the Pentwater PTCO Carnival. 104 children received free books to take home and enjoy!
12 months ago, Gina Voss
Thank you to Jaynie Manier and Kelsey West at WSESD
The Village of Pentwater has asked PPS to share the link to their Parks and Rec survey. Please take a moment to complete the survey with the following link or scan the QR code! Thank you!
12 months ago, Pentwater Public Schools
parks and rec QR code
Thank you to the many individuals that helped to make our annual Mental Health Break Days a success! Pentwater Mental Health Day's goal is to nurture an awareness of mindfulness practices in all ages with an aim to create a lifelong interest and engagement in whole self wellness. In the morning on Friday, 3/15, our JH and HS students explored different areas of interest from 8:05am-11am. The morning started off with a team scavenger hunt throughout and around the building. They were then able to choose an activity, that included: creating stress balls using balloons and a variety of resources with Mrs. Fatura; painting positive and creative 'Pentwater Rocks' messages on rocks to share in town with Mrs. Holstad; animal exploration with Gracie Powers; having fun with karaoke with Mr. Sampson; diamond painting art with Mrs. Jeruzal; puzzles and origami with Mrs. Nyberg; yard games with Mr. Knapp and Mr. Holstad; playing board games with friends in the lobby and cafeteria; sitting, reading and relaxing after 10am in the library; and visiting with Mrs. Zimmerman from the Falcon Wellness Center with "games, giveaways and grub"! Thank you, Mr. Barter, for coordinating this enriching day for our students!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
Harley Linley with a lizard photo
Driving experiment photo!
Mental health break day photo
Lily Smith
Michael smith with a snake photo
Karaoke photo
Lily Bouye photo!
mental health day photo!
Pentwater rocks photo!
Diamond art photo!
Thank you to the many individuals that helped to make our annual Mental Health Break Days a success! Pentwater Mental Health Day's goal is to nurture an awareness of mindfulness practices in all ages with an aim to create a lifelong interest and engagement in whole self wellness. In the morning on Thursday, 3/14, our elementary students explored different areas of interest from 8:15am-9:50am and they were able to choose an activity, that included: exploring activities that engage your senses with Mrs. Weber; canvas fabric art with Mrs. Macher; read and relax with Mrs. Miller; animal exploration with Gracie Powers; yard games with Mr. Knapp; using balloons and cooking items to create stress balls with Mrs. Kuipers; karaoke with Mrs. Case; relaxing with yoga with Mrs. Tabor and having fun learning to play the ukulele with Mrs. Stone! Thank you, Mr. Barter, for coordinating this enriching day for our students!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
Mrs. Kuipers Crafting - Mental  Health Day Photo!
Crafting Exploration - Mental Health day Photo
Crafting - Mental Health Day Photo!
Crafting - Mental Health Day Photo
Animal Exploration - Grace Powers Photo
Relaxation - Mrs. Tabor Photo
Relaxation - Mrs. Tabor
Mrs. Tabor Relaxation Yoga Photo
🌟 Exciting Announcement! 🌟 Introducing Maddy Holstad, the star of this week's Pentwater Staff Spotlight! 🌟 Get ready for a series of amazing features shining a light on the incredible talents within our team. 🦅 Stay tuned for more! 🚀 #PentwaterSpotlight #TeamHighlight 🌟👏💜💛💜💛
12 months ago, Steve Rossiter and Kenna Hasil
Congratulations to this weeks Staff Spotlight Winner, Maddy Holstad!
We hope to see you tonight at the PTCO Carnival at Pentwater Schools from 5:30pm-7:30pm!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
Reminder: The PTCO will host their annual spring school carnival on Friday, 3/15, from 5:30pm-7:30pm. Come on out and have a great time!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
PTCO Carnival
We hope to see you there!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
March Band Concerts!
Incredible experience for the Pentwater Varsity golf team on Wednesday, 3/13. The team was able to tour Cornerstone University with their collegiate golf team! The golfers were incredibly grateful for the opportunity; these connections made such deep life memories. Thank you to Cornerstone University staff and golf team for truly an awesome day!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
Golf Team 2024
Looking for something fun to do during Spring Break? Check out the Mama & Me Expo on Saturday, 3/23!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
Spring Break Book Walk flyer
Lakeshore Mama & Me EXPO Flyer
On Monday, March 11, student artists took a field trip to the Dennos Museum Center in Traverse City to see art exhibits and to learn from renowned Marvel Comic Artist, Jerry DeCaire. Jane even won an original Spider-Man drawing!
12 months ago, Carrie Jeruzal
Jerry DeCaire speaking on stage.
Jerry DeCaire drawing for the audience.
Jane holding a pencil sketch of Spider-Man.
Three senior girls in front of a light painting.
We want to thank the athletic boosters as well as Ken Adams & Sons Excavating for donating their professional services and equipment in refurbishing our current running track making it safe for our track and field athletes to practice this spring! This work was done on Saturday, 3/9, in preparation for the start of our spring sport season which begins on Monday, 3/11! Go, Falcons, it's going to be a great spring!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
Refurbishing running track
Refurbishing running track
Refurbishing running track
Refurbishing running track
Refurbishing running track
Refurbishing running track
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Wednesday, 3/13, from 4pm-7pm and Thursday, 3/14, from 12pm - 3pm. Students are dismissed at 11:30am on Thursday, 3/14, and Friday, 3/15! Students are dismissed on Thursday, 3/21, at 11:30am with Spring Break beginning Friday, 3/22 thru Friday, 3/29! School resumes on Monday, 4/1!
12 months ago, Toni Glover
Elementary students, find the books you have already read and loved at home, then bring them in to swap for a new book you'll enjoy.
12 months ago, Gina Voss
Pentwater elementary book swap, March 19.