The Pentwater Vision Team is hosting a final public Town Hall meeting on Monday, December 16, 2019, from 5:30pm - 6:30pm at the First Baptist Church of Pentwater, 101 S. Rush St, Pentwater, MI 49449. Julie Hales Smith, who facilitated our first focus groups and town hall meetings, will review the results of all three surveys given this year: the summer's Pentwater Community Assessment, the Visitor's Poll and the most recent Community Survey. The results of all three surveys of public input will be used to form a Vision Statement to guide the 2020-2021 Master Plan success. The Town Hall meeting is being held early so those planning to attend the Pentwater Public Schools' Regular Board Meeting at 7pm may do so.
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
Pentwater Vision Committee Logo
REMINDER: Students are dismissed at 11:30am on Wednesday, 11/27/19, and there is no school on Thursday or Friday, 11/28-11/29. Have a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving from our family to yours!
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
Happy Thanksgiving!
Huge Thanks to Sarah Greiner and the team at Todd Greiner Farms for allowing us to work with them on our Softball wreath fundraiser. This year was a huge success. Thank you again for your support!
over 5 years ago, Steve Rossiter
Wreaths and Garland 4
Wreaths and Garland
Wreaths and Garland 2
Wreaths and Garland 3
Support Spanish and Art Club buy a Poinsettia
over 5 years ago, Kelly Sisung
4 varieties available
Order form
Pentwater Public Schools is excited to announce that the Longbridge Road is now open; we will begin our new busing times on Friday, 11/22/19. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office, otherwise, please follow instructions given by our awesome drivers!
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
Road Open!
On Friday, November 15, students in Mrs. Fatura‘s earth science class participated in Skype a scientist. They connected with Laura Reynolds who is a coastal geologist. Her work focuses on understanding how coast lines change through time. The students had lots of great questions and learned about her career as well as her education.
over 5 years ago, Erika Fatura
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pentwater Public Schools thanks the Lighthouse Lutheran Church of Pentwater for donating to our student food pantry. We thank you and our students thank you!
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
School Food Bank
Food Bank Info
Student Council is collecting Toys for Tots! Bring an unwrapped toy, and deposit it in the box located in the lobby at Pentwater Public Schools. All toys collected are distributed in Oceana County. Thank you very much for your support this holiday season!
over 5 years ago, Steve Rossiter
toys for tots flyer
Oceana County Food Bank Drive
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
Oceana County Food Bank
RETHiNK West Michigan Event!
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
ReThink Oceana
ReThink Oceana
Congratulations to all of the student artists who participated in the recent high school art competition at the Ludington Area Center for the Arts! Five area high schools were featured and Pentwater students walked away with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ribbons and cash prizes! All participants received a free LACA membership and work will be on view until November 27. 1st Place: "Biracial" graphite drawing on paper, Lucas Quinteros, 11th grade; "Broken Hearted" mixed media, Nicole Daniels, 10th grade; "Foul Attitude" deconstructed bicycle and other play equipment, Dean Bromley, 11th Grade.
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
LACA Art Show Winners:  Dean Bromley and Nicole Daniels
LACA Art Show Winner
LACA Art Show Winner
LACA Art Show Winner Lucas Quinteros
On Tuesday, November 19th, members of the HS Jazz Band performed at the Up North Farm Market Garden Center for Pentwater's Garden Club! The greenhouse was warm despite the fact that there's still snow on the ground!
over 5 years ago, Hilary Hunsberger
Garden Club 11/19/19
HS Jazz Band Garden Center 11/19/19
Falcon News Brief!
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
Falcon News Brief - Dr. Scott Karaptian
Falcon News Brief - Dr. Scott Karaptian
FREE Hearing Tests for Students!
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
Free Hearing Tests for Students!
We thank Mr. Allen Wernette from the Ludington State Park for spending time in our 3rd grade classroom teaching our students about invasive species; this included fish, plants, birds and insects. Mr. Wernette brought in a sea lamprey which is an invasive species attacking our Great Lakes fish. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with our class!
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
3rd grade learning about invasive species
Mr. Wernette from Ludington State Park in 3rd grade
Mr. Wernette teaching 3rd grade students about invasive species
3rd grade students learning about MI invasive species
Dr. K's Community Coffee & Conversation will take place on Tuesday, November 19, 2019, from 9:30am-10:30am in Room #303 of the school. This will be the first of four opportunities to meet with Dr. Karaptian to hear about the great things happening at Pentwater Schools as well as sharing any concerns. We'd love to see you there!
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
Dr. K's Community Coffee & Conversation
Today, November 13th, Students in Mrs. Fatura's Applications of Stem class traveled to Davenport University to compete in their annual "Shark Tank" competition. Students were given the theme of "Cleaning" and given 30 minutes to come up with a 90 second pitch. Eight groups were selected to compete in the finals and Pentwater came away with 1st and 2nd place. The first place team consisted of Brandon Macher, Campbell Miller, Mikaylyn Kenney, Shane Roberts and Aiden Shotwell. The second place team consisted of Paige Ruggles, Grace Powers, Alexandria Drechen, Nicole Daniels and Alexis Settler.
over 5 years ago, Steve Rossiter
2019 Applications of Stem Class
First Place Team
Second Place Team
The volleyball regional tournament scheduled at Mt. Pleasant Sacred Heart Academy for Tuesday, 11/12/19, will be played as scheduled. We will not be able to offer spectator bus transportation. Go Falcons!
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
Pentwater Public Schools will be closed today November 12, 2019 due to poor weather and road conditions. For information regarding tonight’s regional volleyball game, please stay tuned to social media sites and this app. Thank you and be safe!
over 5 years ago, Scott Karaptian
Pentwater Public Schools invites you to "Arts A La Mode!" - a holiday concert and empty bowls event on 12/11/19 at 6pm. All proceeds to benefit the Pentwater Community Food Pantry.
over 5 years ago, Toni Glover
Empty Bowls Event