David Masunas, an 80's Pentwater grad, presented Dr. Karaptian with a Marine Corps League Certificate of Appreciation for publicly and proudly displaying our American Flag. Mr. Masunas is the past Department of Michigan Commandant and is currently serving as the Oceana Brett Witteveen Detachment Commandant.

FRIENDLY REMINDER: Please make sure your child is equipped for the winter weather. If you need assistance with purchasing necessary winter apparel items, please speak to your child's teacher or contact the school office. The district maintains a student clothing closet with new and gently used clothing items. Stay warm!

Pentwater Public Schools will be hosting a United States Census 2020 application meeting on Thursday, 11/21/2019, from 10:45am - 12:30pm.

Good afternoon,
The Pentwater Public School's Board of Education is a dedicated sponsor of the community wide Pentwater Vision initiative and we encourage all of our families and staff to help support this cooperative process by completing the survey at the link provided below:
Thank you for supporting Pentwater Schools and community!
Scott Karaptian, Ph.D., Superintendent

Dear Students, Families and Friends,
During the months of September and October, the cafeteria served 2,656 more breakfasts than they did during the same months' last school year! However, even with this record-breaking meal participation, we will have to discontinue the Free Universal Breakfast Provision pilot program. This is due to the fact that the Pentwater School District has too few Free and Reduced Lunch eligible families to receive the maximum amount of funding to cover programs like this long-term.
We were glad that we were able to provide our students the Universal Free Breakfast (USF) for the first 2 months of the school year, but as of November 11, 2019, Chartwells will be discontinuing the USF pilot program. Breakfast will still be served, but students will be charged according to their meal Free/Reduced Meal Eligibility. Also, the breakfast program will once again be served back in the cafeteria area instead of the lobby. Letters have been mailed home with students informing families of these changes.
Chartwells administration and staff thank all of you for your cooperation during this pilot program and if you have any questions or concerns going forward, please contact the Food Service Director, Caryn Elam at celam@pentwater.k12.mi.us.
Caryn Elam, CDM, CFPP
Director of Dining Services

Pentwater Public Schools says goodbye to custodian, Mark Blamer. Mark has been with the district since 2001 and we thank him for his dedication and service to the district, our halls will not be the same without him!
Mr. Mark, thank you!

Thanks to Paramedic Jim Glover for sharing the medical implications of drug/alcohol abuse; we also thank all of the individuals that donated their time this week to share with our students about the negative impact of drugs and alcohol as we wrap up another successful Red Ribbon Week!

Thank you to Cosmic Candy for the donation of the ice cream, our students are going to love having this special treat!

Fall 2019 daylight savings time reminder!

On Thursday, October 31st, 2019 the Hart Performing Arts Series shared the guitar and cello duo, Boyd Meets Girl, with 5th-HS band students. What a great and practical way to see the arts in action right in our own band room!

Where's Waldo? Elementary staff having fun, could you pick them out in a gymnasium filled with people?

Students in Mrs. Fatura’s advanced chemistry class did chemistry Halloween demonstrations for Mrs. Miller’s 5th grade class. The students performed the appearing ghost, puking pumpkin, ghosts in the graveyard, the bloody hand slap, ghosts in a syringe and a dry ice color show. The students all really enjoyed the show! Happy Halloween!

Booo!!! The Pentwater Public Schools' family wishes you a safe and happy Halloween and stay warm!

The community is invited to attend Dr. K's Community Coffee & Conversation sessions! There will be four scheduled throughout the school year: 11/19/19 - 9:30am-10:30am; 1/21/20 - 5-6pm; 3/24/20 - 9:30-10:30am; and, 5/19/20 - 5-6pm. This is a wonderful opportunity to hear about the great things happening at Pentwater Public Schools, Dr. K's vision for the future as well as addressing any concerns you may have. We look forward to seeing you there!

Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth Survey
Students in 7th, 9th and 11th grade will be taking an online, anonymous, voluntary survey regarding Health related topics. Letters were sent home in the mail to all parents regarding the survey, providing parents the opportunity to opt out of the survey or preview the survey. All students will be given the survey unless the form has been returned to opt out. Please contact Lisa Wagner if you have any questions or concerns.

Calling all crafters! It's that time of year again - the annual Band Craft Fair will be Saturday, December 7th, 2019 from 9:00am to 3:00pm at Pentwater Public School! The registration fee is $35 and you can get more table space for $5 per table. For more information, please see the registration form. Registration is due by November 15, 2019! Please get forms to Melanie Sayles at saylesmel@yahoo.com

Congratulations to Senior Julien Nyberg for placing 7th at cross country regionals and good luck as you participate in the MHSAA state competition on Saturday, 11/2/19, at the MIS Speedway, we are proud of you!

On Saturday, October 26th, 2019, several members of the JH and HS Bands got spooky for a performance at Pentwater's annual Spooktacular! Wishing a happy spooky season to all!

Mrs. Macher and her 3rd grade students tested their wind machine science projects to learn about wind speed and direction!

Congratulations to our September and October Students of the Month! Cayden Hambright, Lauren Macher, Benjamin Jorissen, JayQuan Ruggles, Adison Merten, Rodney Grondsma, Josephyn Mannor, Cyniah Haight, Jordy Miller, Kenley Witteveen, Jade Emick, Ben Roberson, Maggie Jorissen and Lauren Davis! Good job!